Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Hunger has worsened in Texas but remained steady nationwide, federal report says

A new study by the U.S. Department of Agriculture shows household hunger remains steady from 2009 to 2010, but worsened in Texas during the years the state has been hailed as a model for weathering the economic downturn.  The survey was based on 45,000 households during the 2010 census, and found 14.5 percent of the households had difficulty meeting teir food needs.
The U.S. Agriculture Undersecretary Kevin Concannon credited food stamps for keeping hunger levels steady. Rick Perry called the program a "testament to widespread misery." According to Rick Perry, "food stamps is not the solution.  They're a symptom of the problem that 2 milion people are without work."
15.6 percent of the population is on food stamps.  Between 2009 and 2010, that portion grew 2.8, the fifth-highest increase in the country.  "Hunger is a political issue," says Texas Food Bank Network director JC Dwyer in the film. There is enough food for everyone.  Distribution is the problem.
I think this is an article that everyone should read.  This is an issue that affects everyone.  It does not only hurt the families and individuals, it cost all of us.  When students go to school hungry they have a hard time lerning and staying focused.  Not only does it affects academic achievements it also affects the health of our future workforce and economic competitiveness.


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