The Texas Legislature has been a question on many Texan’s minds. Should Texas Legislature meet yearly or continue to meet every other year. Out of our 50 states Texas is one of four who still has a biennial Session. Texas Legislature meets every January of odd number of years. Is that enough? Most Texans would say no. That is not enough.
Why should Texas change? I believe the main reason for Texas Legislature to change is they can get more done if they meet annually rather than biennially. I feel 140 days is not enough time to address some of the important issues that Texas has. Education, water conservation, unemployment, and the Texas boarders are just to name some of the issues that Texas faces. A longer session could be useful.
Another reason for meeting annually could allow the Legislature to attend to their business in a timely matter and not be rushed. I do not feel that the legislature can operate effectively when they have to stop and start things up again. With the Legislature meeting annually it could help make the policy making process timely and orderly.
By meeting annually, Texas could eliminate the special sessions. There would be no need for the government to have a special session because they would already be there. We would not have to call on them.
Even though there are many great reasons to have the Legislature meet annually, the Texas government thinks otherwise. They believe there is no need to have an annual session; it is fine the way it is.
Many feel that by having a biennial session they will have more time to study commissions. If they were to meet annually they would not have the time to study proposed legislation. They would be able to make better decisions if they were to meet biennially.
There is also the concern that it would cost the Texas Government more money to have the Legislature meet annually rather if they meet biennially. As of today, the legislature makes $7,200 a year. Compared to New York Legislature makes $79,000 a year. There is a big difference in pay between annually and biennially. This will cost the Texas Government a lot more money.
The main reason for having the Legislature meet biennially is they have been meeting biennially since the 1800’s. If it works why change it?
I do feel there are some great reasons for meeting biennially but, that is not enough for it to continue this way. This is not the 1800’s. Texas is much bigger than when this came into effect. Texas is expected to continue to grow. It would be nice to have a Legislature be able to make decisions in a timely manner and not have to wait until a new session a year later. The cost that it will take is a small price to pay to have a Legislature that is available.
I do feel that the Texas Legislature should be available more. Times have changed and so should our government.
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